किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत डालने की दुआ, अक्सर देखा जाता है कि मोहब्बत करने वाले दो लोगों के बीच किसी छोटी सी बात पर झगड़ा हो जाता है। कई बार मामूली झगड़ा कब बड़ा रूप ले लेता है, इसका अंदाजा भी नहीं लगाया जा सकता। ऐसे में दोनों लोग एक-दूसरे से बात करने से परहेज करते है और धीरे-धीरे उनका रिश्ता समाप्त हो जाता है।
ऐसा प्रेमी-प्रेमिका, पति-पत्नी, दो दोस्त या अन्य किसी के साथ भी हो सकता है। इस समस्या का बेहद ही सरल समाधान है- किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत डालने की दुआ। किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत डालना आसान नहीं है। लेकिन इस दुआ की मदद से आप किसी भी व्यक्ति के दिल में आसानी से अपने लिए मोहब्बत डाल सकते है।
किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत डालने की ये दुआ बेहद सरल है। इस वजीफे के लिए आपको थोड़े से सूरमा (काजल) की जरूरत पड़ेगी। किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत डालने की दुआ का यह वजीफा आप किसी भी रोज और किसी भी समय कर सकते है। इसके लिए सबसे पहले ताजा वजू बना लीजिए। अब 21 मरतबा सुरह फतिहा आपक पढ़ना है। सुरह फतिहा पढ़ने के बाद आपको सूरमा पर दम करना है।
किसी के दिल में मोहब्बत डालने की दुआ के लिए आपको दम किया हुआ सूरमा अपनी आँखों में लगा लेना है। इसके बाद आप जिस भी व्यक्ति के सामने जाएंगे, उसके दिल में आपके लिए अपार मोहब्बत पैदा हो जाएगी। वह आपसे मिलने के तड़पने लगेगा और इसके बाद किसी भी कीमत पर आपसे दूर जाने की बात नहीं करेगा।
Dua To Soften Someone Heart or soften husband heart can be use to soften parents heart. If you want to soften boss heart then use our tested dus for it and see magic in your office.
We all know that most people are not similar to each other. By that, we want to focus on the fact that none of us are made equal. We all have a distinct character. And you probably have felt such a scenario before.
Dua To Soften Someone Heart
Maybe you are a soft person who never speaks in a high voice. But at the same time, your friend or family member might be the opposite of you. Their personality might be harsh, whereas you might be a softer person.
This happens all the time. But guess what, we don’t have any control over how people behave with us. However, is it the truth? Do you don’t have control over how others behave with you? Well, if you ask us, we have some remedies ready.
You will find it surprising to know that astrology has a lot of benefits in this aspect of life. Yes, you read that fine. Astrology can help you soften any other person’s behavior.
But for that to happen, you first require to soften their heart. The dua to soften someone’s heart works perfectly when it comes to such matters. You won’t even realize how effective this dua to soften someone’s heart can prove to be unless you try it out by yourself.
So, what you should do now? You must seek the consultation of an expert astrologer and ask them about the perfect remedy that will fulfill your desires.
Dua To Soften Husband Heart
Dua To Soften Husband Heart, We understand that your husband is the closest person to your heart. And yes, we also know that you wish to get enormous amounts of love from your spouse. But what can you do when your husband has a bad temper?
Well, we all know how it feels. Just imagine that you genuinely love your husband, and all of a sudden, he doesn’t behave properly. Out of a blue moon, he reacts negatively to whatever you say. The time can only get tougher for you.
Now, there are a few things that you should consider first. The very first factor is that might be your husband has a lot of work pressure. And in that case, he might have lost control of his temper.
If that’s a healthy thing for your spouse, almost after an hour or two, he would come to you and speak in a soft voice. And all of a sudden, your heart melts away. But this doesn’t need to happen every time. After all, you also want your husband’s behavior towards you to be uniform.
This is where the dua to soften husband’s heart comes to your rescue. Unfortunately, not a lot of people are aware of this magical remedy. This particular remedy, when you follow the instructions carefully.
Can help you transform your husband’s behavior in no time. So, what are you waiting for so long? Get in contact with us and let us know how we can assist you. We’ve got the best dua to soften the husband’s heart.
Dua To Soften Parents Heart
Dua To Soften Parents Heart, Your parents are probably the most important contributors to your life. And you need to admit that right since your childhood; they are the ones who look after you.
In most cases, parents sacrifice their happiness for the sake of their child’s future. And if we consider probabilities, your parents are not an exception. The chances are high that they have too tried everything to give you a life that they never had during their childhood.
But the real problem arises when you grow up. All of a sudden, you get dreams of your own. And the chances are high that you might also want to make your own decisions without depending on your parents’ approval.
And this is what offends your parents. They don’t want to lose control over your life. But trust us, that’s the rule of life. After a particular stage, you got to make your decisions. No one should interfere with your dreams — not even your parents.
But what if your parents misbehave with you just because you want to follow your passion? And what if your parents don’t want to approve your relationship?
Well, in those scenarios, you must ensure taking the right step. In that case, the dua to soften parents’ hearts is the best remedy that we can recommend right now.
If you don’t know how the dua to soften parents’ heart work, let us give you a short tour. First of all, the dua helps you to take control of your surroundings in a way that everything feels like in your control.
And suddenly, everyone in your family starts listening to you. Your ill-tempered parents suddenly become your friends. Now that’s something you should opt for.
Dua To Soften The Boss Heart
Dua To Soften The Boss Heart, If you are a careerist person, you need to overcome specific challenges in your professional life. The first challenge that you must overcome includes dealing with toxic people at work.
No matter how well you perform, there are people who always aim to bring you down. Now, the next most crucial deal would be to impress your boss.
Now, here’s a catch. If the company where you work is a big one, you will face some challenges to get seen. Your boss probably wouldn’t notice you.
And chances also prevail that your immediate seniors might take away the credit for the work you did. And guess what, they will get all the recognition that you deserve in the first place.
We all know such things are prevalent in the corporate world. But what you can do about it? You should take adequate steps to ensure that your hard work gets the fruit. And for that, you should attempt to impress your boss. But how can you do that? Well, the dua to soften boss heart is probably the best remedy that we have in our minds.
If you don’t know how the dua to soften boss heart works, here is a short explanation. First, the Molvi Ji would offer you some materials along with the dua.
Then you need to follow his instructions carefully. And last, but not least, you should stay in direct contact with your boss for better effects.