हमल ठहरने की बेहतरीन दुआ।बाज औरतों का हमला नहीं ठहरता है।किसी ना किसी वजह से हमला खराब हो जाता है। और लगातार हमला ठहरने में परेशानियां धीरे-धीरे बढ़ती ही जाती है।औरतों को इसके चलते परेशानियों का सामना करना पड़ता है।और घर ससुराल वालों के ताने भी सुनने पड़ते हैं।
कभी-कभी शौहर भी इस वजह से अपनी बीवी से मुंह मोड़ना शुरू कर देता है।यह अमल बहुत ही मुज्जरफ अमल है।जिसको आपको अपने हमल को ठहराने के लिए करना है।कुछ जरूरी और हिदायत बातों का भी आपको हमलाठहराते वक्त ख्याल रखना है।सबसे पहले आपको अपनी सेहत पर ध्यान देना है।
आपको अच्छा पौष्टिक खाना खाना जिससे पौष्टिकता मिल सके।इस अमल को ख्वातीन पूरी यकीन और नियत के साथ अपना ले।अमल को करते वक्त किसी भी तरह का कोई भी शकको शुबा दिल में नहीं होना चाहिए।अमल की एक खासियत और भी है।कि इसअमल को बांझ औरतें भी अपने इख़्तेयार में ले सकती हैं।
अमल बेहद ही आसान है इसको आप बड़े ही आसानी से अपने इख़्तेयार में ले सकते हैं।बेहद ही मुज़रीफ अमल है।जिन औरतों का हमलनहींठहरता या फिर जो औरतें बांझ है।दोनों ही सूरत में आप इस अमल को कर सकते हैं। अमल करने का तरीका कुछ यूं है कि आपको करना यह है।कि सात रोजे रखे और इफ्तार करने के बाद 21 बार इस दुआ को पढ़ें।अलमु-सव्विरु० इंशा अल्लाह अल्लाह ताला ने चाहा तो 7 दिनों में ही हमल ठहर जाएगा।
Wazifa For Hifazat E Hamal also called qurani wazifa for hamal and in urdu you can say it hamal ki hifazat karne ka wazifa. You can use our hamal ki hifazat ka naqsh or hamal ki hifazat ka taweez and get worry free life.
Conceiving a child is the best feeling for a woman in the world. To become a mother is above all relations for her. Furthermore, the joy and pleasure of motherhood is something that is best experienced than explained.
Wazifa For Hifazat E Hamal
The thought of you becoming a mother is enough to excite you. The pleasure of caring for the little one, nurturing him, showering him with love is pleasing. Only a mother can understand what that feeling is.
However, to enjoy those movements with your little one, you need to have a safe delivery. Furthermore, you need to ensure that everything is ok during the process of pregnancy.
Generally, pregnancy is seen as usual in the context of a woman’s life. However, for women, it is the period of utmost care. For safely delivering the baby, you have to be very protective of your pregnancy.
However, your care and precaution are not sufficient to tackle all the problems. Problems like miscarriage happen even after taking the utmost care. The common reason for this can be:
History of any disease
The sudden shock to the womb
Effect of planetary movements
Negative energy channelized against you
Evil tactics of someone close
Irrespective of the cause the pain of miscarriage is unbearable for a mother. Thus, to avoid such kind of situation, you need a fool-proof protective strategy cum solution.
Wazifa for hifazat e hamal is one effective solution for you. By performing Wazifa for hifazat e hamal, you can ensure safety for your child. With God’s grace, you would deliver a healthy baby.
Qurani Wazifa For Hamal
The holy Quran has answers to all the questions in this world. Generally, we look for solutions to our problems in practical means. Furthermore, referring to the holy methods is seen as orthodox.
As a result of this, we keep on wandering without getting the right solution. In the meanwhile, the problem starts taking toll of us, and subsequently, we bow to it. However, with Qurani solutions, we can root out problem from the very outset.
Pregnancy is a crucial period in women’s life. As a mother, you want to do all that is good for your child. To safeguard your pregnancy from all evils is what you wish for in the first place.
During this phase, the entire family stands united. You as a ‘to be mother’ is the center of it all. However, the possibility of mishappening also scares you. To do away with all such options, there is a way out.
Qurani wazifa for hamal is that effective way. The process to perform Qurani wazifa for hamal is as follows:
Perform fresh ablution in the first place
Next, take a red color cotton thread
To begin with measure this thread from the top of head to feet
Now, recite:
“Bismillah hirRa’hmaan
Follow this up with a recitation of:
“As-Sabooru Laa Ilaaha Illallaahu
Muhammad Rasoolullaah”
Afterward, tie a knot on one side of the thread
Give a blow to the thread
Now, repeat all the steps again
Do this for a total of 7 times and tie 7 knots in the thread
Finally, tie this thread along the waist of a woman who wants to be a pregnant/pregnant woman
Soon you would get the good news of pregnancy.
Hamal Ki Hifazat Karne Ka Wazifa
One thing that always goes through your mind during pregnancy is the safety of your child. You want your womb to be protected from all external adversities in the first place.
This is the period when you start to feel the emotion of a mother. Generally, it is seen that motherhood is obtained after the birth of the child. However, in actual, it begins from the day you get pregnant.
You become more careful and caring as a result of pregnancy. There is a feeling of attachment with the child in the womb. In your belly, the child goes through several processes. Sometimes these processes can be challenging for him at medical front.
On external front effects on you (the mother) can have determinant consequences on the child. These effects can be:
Black magic on mother
Negative energy
Physical accident
Medical impact on a mother’s body
To avoid all such a threat to your child, you need Quranic solution. Hamal ki hifazat karne ka wazifa happens to be that solution. The process to perform Hamal ki hifazat karne ka wazifa is as follows:
Wake up early in the first place
Perform a fresh ablution
To begin with recite Al-Ikhla
Recite this for a total of three times
Next up recite Al Falaq
It is also to be recited for three times
Afterward, recite An-nas for three times
Recite all of them both in morning and evening
Regularly perform this wazifa till the duration of pregnancy
Hamal Ki Hifazat Ka Naqsh/Taweez
Protection of mother is as important as that of the child during the pregnancy. Furthermore, the mother being a carrier requires double the care. Any change in the mother’s body has a direct effect on the child’s health.
Thus, dual protection (for both mother and child) is required. In terms of security of mother holistic approach shall be adopted. That is to protect her and the baby from all the adversities.
The 40 additional week of pregnancy is a challenging phase for a woman as a mother. To help her and the child tackle this phase effectively, Quranic solutions are quite handy. With the help of holy Quranic method, all the evils can be kept at bay.
Hamal ki hifazat ka naqsh/taweez is a trusted Quranic method for all-around protection. To perform hamal ki hifazat ka naqsh/taweez follow below mentioned steps:
Perform Wudu in the first place
To begin with, taking two clean pieces of paper
Next, take Zafran
Use Zafran to write on the part of paper
Right Surah 19, Surah Mariam ki Ayat on both the paper
Insert one piece of paper in clean and safe drinking water
Next, make the pregnant women drink this water
Put the other part of paper in taweez
Now tie this taweez around the arm (Bazoo) of pregnant women
Make sure that woman is wearing the taweez during the period of pregnancy
The grace of God would be on the mother and the child. The women would soon deliver a healthy child. Furthermore, there would be peace and prosperity in the family. Keep the faith and perform the amal with dedication.