दुकान की बिक्री बढ़ाने का वजीफा।इस भागदौड़ भरी जिंदगी में कारोबार करना बहुत ही मुश्किल है।अगर आप कहीं से भी उधार बाड़ी कर किसी दुकान की नींव रखते हैं।तो इस बात की कोई गारंटी नहीं होती है।कि आप जो दुकान और कारोबार करना चाह रहे हैं।वह रफ्तार पकड़ेगा कि नहीं।
अगर उधार बाड़ी कर भी हम अपने काम में नाकामी पाते हैं।तो हम पूरी तरह से टूट जाते हैं। ऐसे ही हालातों से बाहर निकालने के लिए हम दुकान में बिक्री बढ़ाने के साथ-साथ आपकी मुश्किलों को भीखत्म करने का एक बेहतरीन वजीफा आपके सामने लेकर हाजिर हैं।अगर कारोबार शुरू करते हैं तो उसे चलाना बहुत ही मुश्किल होता है।
लेकिन अल्लाह रब्बुल इज्जत ने अपने बंदों की हर मुश्किलों को दूर करने के लिए और उनके मुश्किलहालातों से बाहर निकलने का तरीका कुरान ए मजीद में बताया है।और अल्लाह ताला के कलाम की बरकत सेहम हर मुश्किल से मुश्किल हालातों से बाहर निकल सकते हैं।और तरक्की भी पा सकते हैं।
जिस वजीफे का ज़िक्र हम आपके सामने करने जा रहे हैं। इस वजीफे के अमल के बाद आपकी दुकान की बिक्री बढ़ जाएगी।और ग्राहक लगातार आते रहेंगे।वजीफा बेहद ही आसान है और इसे आप आसानी से कर सकते हैं।
कुरान शरीफ की आयत मोमिन पारा नंबर 24 में मौजूद है।जिसे आप किसी हाफिज, मौलाना, या अगर आप इस लायक है।तो इस आयत को साफ कागज पर जाफरान और गहरे काले स्केच पेन से लिखकर दुकान में टांग दे। इंशाल्लाह इस वजीफे के अमल से आपके दुकान में बेशुमार बिक्री शुरू हो जाएगी।
Islamic Dua To Attract Customers or to get more customers can be use for business to prosper. Our Islamic expert will provide you Dua For Good Sale In Shop to attract more customers.
In any business, the key to success is running customers. A shop that is filled with customers all the time. Your business success lies in your ability to attract them. Also, at the same time, your handwork counts too. Not only the amount of work you are putting in. But also, the efforts you are keeping in the pace.
Allah loves those who take every opportunity given by him seriously. Yes, indeed, a shop or a business is not for everyone. These are like little privileges that we take for granted. Moreover, a lot depends on your attitude too. Like, when you are waking up. When you are reaching at work. And, most importantly, how you are treating your customer?
Islamic Dua To Attract Customers
These are the little things which matter the most but, we don’t take them well. A customer is like a relationship in which you have to put in. They can be ten years old or can be a day early. All of them matters. So, if he is new today but can be old tomorrow, respect them no matter what, and as a result, Allah will give you more.
Allah, the mighty, is fond of the hard workers. He makes sure to provide them abundantly. Furthermore, it gives them enough to fill their baskets. Value it forever.
Islamic Dua To Attract Customers Procedure
There are many Islamic duas in Quran to attract the customers. This one works the best. Also, do make it a part of the routine.
Make a fresh ablution.
Now for the next 41 days, read “Ya Razzaqu” for 3125 times. And, remember to recite the Durood Shareef for three times first.
On the 41st day, Start reciting the “Ya Wahabu” for the 1100 times.
From the 12th day, again, start reading “Ya Razzaqu for the 3125 times for the next 40 days.
Inshallah, Allah will give you an abundant flow of customers. And your business will prosper.
Dua For Business To Prosper
Dua For Business To Prosper, the key is to love your work. However, put in the required amount of effort into it. In the second place, wake up early and start with your work soon.
Furthermore, there are some excellent business habits which you should have. Learn daily without fail. No matter what, never stop growing in the same way. Likewise, you will inspire your staff too.
Allah is the kindest of all. Consequently, he is the knower and the supreme giver. He can make your business prosper overnight. All you have to do is to have a little faith.
Also, your work matters too. If something is not working, then change it. Besides, stop getting stuck to things in the same way. Most importantly, stay aware of your surroundings.
The market is full of a competitor. As a result, you need to get better by day. Rest leave it to Allah. Once you give him the command, he will take care of the rest. Finally, there are many duas for business to prosper.
The Procedure of The Dua For Business To Prosper
To let your business prosper with leaps and bounds, it should be noted. Importantly, perform the following dua for the 129 times.
“Illahumma Hafeezullaho wa huwa rabbol arsheel azeem.”
Inshallah, you will get the result soon. And, your business will prosper like a running bull.
Dua For A Good Sale In The Shop
Dua For A Good Sale In The Shop, There are some basics which we, as Muslims, are always aware of. Like, Bismillah is the best gift given to us by Allah. Open your sale with Bismillah on your mouth. Because it will bring you a good sale.
Keep those things liked by the customer. In particular, which are more valued by them. Furthermore, you should know the tactics which help you attract them.
If you lose on these basics, yes, you will never be able to achieve a good sale. Also, there are many duas for a good sale in the shop. You should know them and recite them regularly, Indeed.
Dua 1:
Before you start packing your sale. You should undoubtedly recite the “Ayat al Kursi.” For this, we will bring the barkat in your shop and you will sell well. Apart from this, there is one more.
Dua 2:
Begin this dua with a fresh wudu.
Always recite the Bismillah Shareef first.
Then read this dua, “falanabrah alardah attaayaadhana lii abii aw yahkumallahu lii wahuwakhairulh aakimeen.”
It will help you get a good sale. And your profits will be doubled inshallah.
Dua To Get More Customers
Dua To Get More Customers, Customers are just like bees attracted to the honey. So, change your selling strategy. Make things more attractive at your end. When a customer reaches, you treat him carefully. Take care of his needs admirably.
Moreover, give first preference to his choice. That way, the word will spread. And, there will be the right name for your shop in the market.
And you will start getting more and more customers — this how it works always. But, Allah is the supreme giver. He will always give you more, no matter what. There is a dua to get more customers. But, dua works only when you work.
The customer is hard to fool. He wants to get the best of the quality. So, keep in mind whatever you are staying in your shop. However, that should always be held in memory.
The Procedure of The Dua To Get More Customers
Select a quiet place in your shop for the dua.
Now recite the Surah Fatiha for the seven times.
Recite the following dua for the 300 times. Keep the success of your business in your mind.
“Ya Razzaqu Urzuqni Hallalan Tayyiba”
After this, now again recite the Surah Fatiha still.
This procedure should be done for 21 days.
Inshallah Allah will bring prosperity. He will double your sales.
Keep this mind always. If Allah gives you, then it should be your duty to give others. Help the needy with your profits. This is the best dua. When someone blesses you back.
Above all, this makes Allah the happiest. You must return him this way because kindness has to be reciprocated. As a result of your kindness, he will give you more.
He will keep your business safe. And, keep on prospering it. So, remember to return him with your acts of charity. May he keep your pockets full. Ameen.